DX Spot List Filter


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Clicking the Filter button opens the Packet Cluster Filters window.  Using this window you can select which bands, modes and awards you wish to monitor.  Those not selected will not appear in the DX Spot window.  You can also select which US call area or DXCC prefix you will allow to be propagated to the DX Spot window.  One possible use of this feature is: your QTH is on the east coast of the USA.  Spots originating from the west coast may be useless for you depending upon propagation.  Therefore, you may wish to eliminate any spots originating from the W6 call area.  Simply select Selective US and check all boxes except the number 6.  Spots originating from any US call containing a "6" in it will not be propagated to the DX Spot window.

You can do the same thing with spots originating from DX stations. Simply select Selective DX and enter the primary prefix for entities you wish to accept spots from in the field below.

Most changes made in the Packet Cluster Filter window do not affect the DX Spot Monitor window (where the raw spot data is displayed) however changes made to the Accept DX Spots Originating From panel can be applied to the DX Spot Monitor window by selecting the Apply To Monitor Window option.

Lastly, you can set a Callsign Alert whereby when a specific station of your choosing is spotted, you will receive an aubible and visual alert.  If rig control is enabled, you can QSY immediately from the visual alert notification.  Since it is possible to get a multitude of alerts after working the station listed in the Callsign Alerts window (this usually happens during a DXpedition), you can set further filtering so that an alert will be generated only when the spot would be a for a new band, regardless of mode (New Band Only), for a new mode, regardless of band (New Band (Mix), or for a new mode on a particular band (New Mode MB).  As you continue to work the DXpedition on different bands and modes, even though they may be spotted hundreds of times, as you fulfill your DXCC needs the alerts become less and less.  The DX Spot window will continue to display the spots; it is only the alerts that will be reduced.


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