Logbook Menu



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The Logbook Menu is used to create up to 36 separate logbooks.  Statistics for each logbook are displayed below the logbook list.  From this menu, the user can backup each logbook to any hard drive or external device such as a USB flash drive.  Should it be necessary, the user can also restore a logbook backup from the Logbook Menu.  Should some corruption appear in the logbook, one can re-index the problematic logbook by clicking the Reindex button.  The "Transfer CallMaster D/B" button is used only when upgrading from a previous version of ProLog to automatically transfer current CallMaster call information into each contact as the upgrade is made.

The Merge Logbook button allows the user to merge one logbook into another and at the same time set various arguments of what information is transferred with each contact.  This is especially useful if you have a logbook created from a contest and wish to merge those contacts into your normal logbook thereby creating a single "master" logbook.

The Update LOTW Status button allows ProLog to read and update the eQSL status of your contacts from the ARRL LOTWREPORT.ADI file that all LOTW users can download from their account on the LOTW website.  ProLog will scan this file, match the contact in your logbook and update the eQSL status as per the report.

The Import/Export Logbook button lets the user export any logbook to either a ADIF file, Comma-Delimited file or a Cabrillo file.  The user can import ADIF file and also a custom ProLog SFI file.  The SFI file is used to create a limited list of contacts based on certain arguments, i.e., a specific date range, the contact's name, all contacts for a particular QTH, etc., and then immediately import them into a new logbook, thereby creating a separate logbook consisting of only those contacts that met the arguments you entered.

The Integrate D/B Info scans the selected logbook and transfers specific field information selected by the user into the logbook.  This can be very handy if you have a contest log that doesn't contain any name or QTH information and you would like to add that information.  ProLog will do it automatically for you.

New digital modes seem to be created almost yearly.  Because of that, ProLog allows the user to add new digital modes to the Digital Mode dropdown list in the Primary Logging Form using the Edit Digital Modes button.  When a new mode comes out, enter the ADIF abbreviation for the mode and enter it after clicking this button.



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